The Journey to the City of Spires

Dear Readers, I am glad that my first book is finally published. Writing a book has always been my dream. Writing this book was also a big challenge because my native language is not english, but I tried my best. Anyway I am a teacher and I teach kids English and History. I don't want the boys and girls to bee be bored during my lessons, so I always try to tell them some interesting things, especially stories of people who lived many years ago and their life was adventurous and interesting. Sometimes life itself invents a story far better than a writer would be able to invent. I personally like the Middle Ages, the times of brave knights and beautiful princesses when magnificent castles and cathedrals in Europe were built. I have been collecting stories of old castles, towns and cathedrals for many years and I wanted to share some of them with you in my first book. I would really like to know who has already read the book and how she or he enjoyed it. Best regards Martin Berka

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